Ever wondered why I stopped writing blogs for a few months? Maybe not, but if you were, the answer is ADDICTION.
Yes, I succumbed to laziness for a couple of months. I settled in my comfort zone, did nothing out of the ordinary, ate, slept, repeated. In short, I lived the lifestyle I always feared the most: routine. I had no zest to do things in life, no energy to even lift a finger to type, to read, to write, or even to think of anything.
Of course, I missed writing and reading (I have just read 50 pages of a book I started fairly a month ago
There were many times when I thought "is this all there is to life?, that's it?", but then again I remembered that I am only a decision away from a completely different life, all I had to do was commit myself to betterment, challenge myself to be better, do things at least a little differently, take baby steps even though it seems like it doesn't matter.
Sounds motivating, inspiring and fairly easy but who am I kidding? There were days where I slipped into my old, toxic patterns and hibernated in my cocoon until one day I had to make a decision.
I used the time-out to revamp my blog, think of new ideas, jot them down, work on my networking skills, find contacts, come up with new strategies, I worked day in and day out, little by little and soon enough I had a million ideas and a ready-to-launch website once I emerged from the dark side. Heck, I even have a business card now!
Sure, I'm not quite where I want to be but hey I'm getting there and its a fun journey with ups and downs, bumps and potholes, red signals and stormy weather but I bet its all worth it.
Yes, I do have the tendency to fluctuate in and out of the dark side, but the most important thing is catching yourself off guard and steering to the right path. This addiction, its a reckless monster but if you have a sword by the name of willpower, I'm sure you can slay it.
The trick is really simple, take all the criticisms, negatives, flaws, weaknesses and mold it into your strength, one by one, ever so slowly and soon enough you will be a whole new person. It all starts with desire; the desire to be the best version of yourself, the desire to impress someone, the desire to achieve your goals. If you have desire, then my friend you can run the world.
May this coming year be a liberating one without any forms of addiction but with discipline and sheer willpower instead. Have a happy new year, party responsibly and live fully. Cheers! :)