On a Whim
Isn't it funny how when driving at night we can only see about a yard in front of us but we still keep going till another yard unfolds itself in front of us but if life works that way, we just recoil back due to lack of faith; we just need security or some kind of commitment just in case.
Well, even I agree that it is essential to have some sort of confirmation but in certain cases we should just take a giant leap of faith perhaps and see where life takes us. I mean where is the sense of adventure?
If it is worth everything, we might as well take a risk or two every once in a while. Let's just think about the worst case scenario; if you're not going to go bankrupt, if you're not going to lose your health, if you will still have your family and loved ones with you at the end of the day, then what's to worry about?
Rather than living the same old life every other day and being unhappy, we might as well do something about it. Okay, if you're not that kind of person to take such huge steps in life then maybe you can start small by travelling alone, going on a road trip without a real destination somewhere, dancing in the street, or anything at all according to your preference as long as you do something on a whim.
I know these things I am writing about might seem a little cliche which not many people would really go for in reality, or maybe you might think that I am not being practical but why not? I don't see the harm in doing these things, maybe you wouldn't want to quit your well paying 9-5 job because you have to pay your bills, I get it but the other smaller things like doing what you want to do in that moment itself shouldn't be a bother.
Coming from a person who actually does things on a whim, life will be a celebration on an everyday note and you will be able to see the difference, trust me.