At some point in life, we will all be lost, we will not know where to go or what to do, we will even question our existence like does it even matter? And in case you never got your answer before, let me tell you that yes, of course it matters. Each and everyone of our presence who still have the opportunity to be alive matters because if we are still breathing, if we still have a go at life, it just means our purpose is yet to be fulfilled. 

It is okay for us to not know what our calling in life is, it is even okay for us to have no clue as to what to do in our next phase of life, in terms of you graduating from high school, college, or even quitting a job. It is the natural ebb and flow of life to not know who you are anymore after a certain phase of your life is over, what was once crystal clear to you might now be a smudge of a vision, uncertainty might try to plague you but that's when you have to play your role, not give in and fight your hardest, just hang in there and this too shall past. 

Explore yourself like you once did during childhood or adolescence, try new things to find out what you like and what you don't, get your adrenaline pumping, meet new people, create new atmospheres for yourself, read a book from a totally different genre, watch a documentary, work odd jobs for the fun of it, do all the things you have never did before, I promise you that life will be a whole lot better and in this process you will be amazed at how much you have come to learn about yourself, the new you. It's not easy but it will definitely be worth it. 


Beautifully written Babe����

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