Rude, Snide and Sarcastic.

I've earned myself a reputation of being rude, snide and sarcastic just because I don't sugar coat whatever that pops up in my head. I can't help it, I just don't have a filter but I was not always like this.

Growing up, I was a reserved, timid little mouse who barely spoke. Whenever someone asked me something I just smiled, then I grew up and bloomed into a social butterfly; I was nice to everyone and tried to please whoever came my way.

It took me ample of time to learn the hard way that I can never please everyone and I only end up getting butt hurt massively and left alone at the end of the day. Why? Because no matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough for anyone.

So I made a 360 u-turn and began saying what I thought fearlessly and carelessly. Yes, I am reckless with my words and I've got a sharp tongue but only to those who deserve it. At the same time, I also know my limits and when to say things; if someone will only realize it when I say it brutally in public, then I won't think twice to do so or if someone will only realize it when I tell them nicely in private, I won't hesitate to do so either.

Many people told me to change the way I speak but my question to them is WHY? When I was a people pleaser and a sweet talker, I was not appreciated and now I am living life on my own terms and you still have a problem with that? Well its your problem then, not mine.

Just remember that it took me plenty of courage and time to be the way I am now, I don't need to explain myself further. This is enough and never will I ever change the way I am for the comfort of everyone else around me except for myself.

At the end of the day, I own my actions and suffer the following consequences, so keep your precious advise to yourself and just watch me do me. =]


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