Rapes, sexual harassment, wanting a female to "compromise" in order to give her an opportunity is all so hilarious!

 It is all fun, jokes, sarcastic comments and snide remarks until one of your family member or loved one falls prey. Isn't it?  That is when reality hits you hard in the groin and you let it sink in for a while.

This #MeToo movement which is trending now in India and Malaysia is a quite critical thing, it was a huge hit in USA 2 years back and many victims came forward to contribute their fair share to make the movement a success and I couldn't be more glad that there's some sort of awareness regarding this issue in Asian countries including ours.

But ... there's a but. But, lately I came across many guys trolling this movement on social media; be it Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and it is so sickening because there is nothing to laugh about.

Do you know why we are in this position now, as of today? Because whatever we say, do or wear is a matter of ridicule and content for jokes. Harassed? Just laugh it off. Raped? Blame the victim. Rejected a boy's proposal? She gave him false hope. Make-up? Fake. No make-up? Not pretty. If someone makes a move and she tells him off? He was just joking, no big deal.

So tell me, tell me when the opposite gender will be held accountable for their sins? When will they be questioned for joking about all these issues? Not all guys though, some are still gentlemen and sweet enough to stand up for justice but even they are called fags and many other names.

When someone is bold and strong enough to tell their story to the world after all these years, they should be appreciated and encouraged, not made fun of, questioned or ridiculed.

Why is the victim being questioned profusely while the accused just gives a statement or two and walks away with no shame? Why the victim always bares the shame? Isn't what happened to them enough already? Why is the society punishing them further? Why is the accused not ridiculed?

According to a study conducted by CNN, 6 out of 10 women have been sexually harassed, forced into sex, groped, molested and sexually abused throughout the world. Many just don't tell people because of what the society does to them and talks about them if they come out of the closet.

To the boys who turned this issue into a whole damn joke; your mom, sister, girlfriend or best friend might have gone through the same thing just without your knowledge. Will you still turn it into a joke? What will you do if your girl friend was raped? Will you laugh at her, call her names and joke about it?

Before praying to Goddess Kali, Dhurga, Shakti or whoever learn to respect women in the first place. No point celebrating Navarathri when all you do is ridicule women and objectify them. Women aren't sex toys for heaven's sake. We are human too, with blood, flesh, skin, bones, heart and most importantly feelings.

Urge the guys to respect women, not to sexually assault them or objectify them. Let girls live their lives without being scared, paranoid or blamed for every damn thing. What would a girl child do if even the way she laughs turns  someone on? Let's bring about change, at least for the upcoming generation. Its every woman for herself, we've got this ladies!


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