13 Reasons Why

I know what you are thinking and no, this is not about the Netflix series even though I loved every bit of it and am literally dying for the second season. This is about 13 reasons why we should always stay positive and embrace challenging times, so here goes:

13. This too shall past
Your hardships are not going to last and what's the point of life if its always sunshine and                    rainbows anyway? Even you will get bored without the twists and turns, so my friend, this too shall past. 

12. It is all part and parcel of life
Once you accept that whatever happens to you is nothing but an ebb and flow of life itself, you will begin to feel much better about the whole ordeal. 

11. Problems mould you into a better version of yourself 
Ever heard of the saying when life gets tough the tough gets going? Well, when a situation arises you will have no choice but to spread your wings and soar higher. 

10. You will feel much better
Once you overcome the issue you will feel like a hero without a cape plus you will have the confidence that you can rise up to almost anything. 

9. Life lessons 
Each problem in your life is trying to teach you a lesson, you will be given the same lesson until you grasp the essence of it. This is life's way of teaching you how to live. 

8. Super cool stories 
Often times, what seemed like the worst problem of our lives ended up to be an awesome story 5 years down the road. C'mon, we've all been there! 

7. Character
Tough situations build up a person's character. Enough said. 

6. Satisfaction
What else could give us the satisfaction of a life fully lived without problems? It is a whole combo, embrace it. 

5. Battle scar 
To me, battle scars are impressive; they are prove that you have danced with a dragon before. 

4. Worthy life 
Problems aren't easy things to deal with, but always go for a worthy life over an easy one. Quality beats everything at the end of the day and no diamonds were ever made without pressure. 

3. Reality check 
When life is unbelievably good, it is a must for us to stumble over an issue or two to keep us grounded, humbled and to remind us of our roots. 

2. Guidelines 
A wise person once said: 'problems are not stop signs, they are merely guidelines.' 

1. BREAK! 
A set of setbacks can sometimes turn out to be blessings in disguise; they might have arrived in your life to offer you exactly what you want but you have to pay the price first. 

So instead of looking at your problems as enemies, look at them as your well wishers. :) 


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