Feelings and emotions can do quite a lot to a person; it could damage a person, it could make a person realize their worth, it could make a person feel remorse for what they have done, it could motivate a person, it could discourage a person, it could make a person aim for the stars, it could make a person delusional, and so many other things.
Ordinarily we have no idea how to deal with our feelings that we feel quite overwhelmed to see that we have way too much on our palate than what we can actually deal with but it is not true for that is just what it seems like. If only we can put a tag on our feelings saying this is sadness; I am going to wallow in it for a day or a week perhaps and get over it to find a possible solution, or maybe this is heartache I should throw myself a pity party and do something which soothes me.
Honestly, if anyone knows it doesn't work that way it is definitely me because overcoming feelings was and still is one of my biggest challenge. I have pretended as though I don't have any feelings for as long as I can remember; I don't get excited or too happy or too sad or I didn't seem like I could be bothered by anything in the entire world as a defense mechanism just because I am a person who feels way too much than an average person is supposed to feel and if you ask me how much an average person is supposed to feel .... I do not know!
You know why? Because there is no limits to how much a person is "supposed" to feel, we are only a bunch of human beings. Some of us have lesser feelings while some of us have an abundance of them that we could open up a 'feelings for sale' store and it is okay for that is one of the element which separates us from plants or some other living things, shall I say?
If anybody tells you that you are sentimental or you feel too much, I hope you have all the courage in the world to tell them just the opposite even with quivering voice or tearing eyes and I wish you all the best for such upcoming endeavors, may the courage be with you.
P/s: Feelings doesn't make anybody weaker, they are just temporary guests so treat them like it. Feel the feelings away, let it go at some point rather than just bottling it up or acting as if you don't have any.