Well so, Happy Deepavali and instead of all the "may this festivities of lights bring you and your family more prosperity" and shit stuff like that, I would like to take this opportunity to say may you and your family work harder and smarter in the path of prosperity this festivities of light.
I bet you already know why we celebrate Deepavali in a grand scale (if you don't just nudge your friend who knows and ask) so I won't bother you with the mundane details of it. Neither is this piece about the rituals on Deepavali morning or some other routine of that sort.
We all know the hype for Deepavali is second to nothing; what with all the fire crackers, cookies, muruku, mutton, chicken, food, clothes, movies, and so many more this and that but the actual celebration is actually not worth the hype (at least for me). It is just another day of praying, adorning new clothes, eating delicious food and delicacies. The extras will be of course the fire crackers, movie and visiting one or two friends' house.
For me, the best part of Deepavali is definitely the hype for the preparation;
crowds buzzing everywhere, rushing to buy new clothes, baking cookies with other family members, and all those things. Yes of course some families go on vacation, have fun filled parties, and have gallons of enjoyable time but guess I belong to one of those low profile, less buzz kind of family who just celebrate quietly without any form of extravagance. I'm not complaining; I really like this kind of celebration as well, (since I'm already used to it) but as the old saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt so once in a while a little change could mean a great deal.
P/s: and once again Happy Deepavali folks ;)