Too short a time

"Time to call mom, never mind I'll call her tomorrow", and so the cycle continues as we procrastinate the things we are supposed to do till it becomes weeks, months, or even years. Time is an extremely pivotal yet underrated element in today's modern world. We are all so busy that we misplace our priorities and get it all mixed up in the moving cart of a wheelbarrow and the result? The utmost important things in life will be neglected and shooed to the corner of our lives, all tangled, messy, and unfathomable meanwhile the least important things will be strewn all over the place, worse yet, it will be given a golden throne.

Now, each of us have a different perception of what is important to us and I'm not denying it, in fact I couldn't agree more that when it comes to this subject there is no one specific answer and it is vastly subjective but all I'm trying to affirm is that more often than not, it is the little things that will matter most. For example, family, friends, loved ones and pets are the ones who will account for us at the end of the day rather than work, money, or material things. There's no need to chase after these pointless tokens which were only meant to be tossed garam masala to spice up our lives here and there.

It is an extremely saddening epiphany to realize that most of our youths; in fact it is even safe to say that most of our lives are being wasted by spending time on things which wouldn't matter at sundown. 

Let's take the average life of a 25 year old software engineer who works around the clock for instance, all this young person ever does is work and have a social life on weekends and this person's life just drifts away in the blink of an eye and all this person would have ever done for the next couple of years would be repeating the same routine which is lethal. This is merely an example and nothing more or less than that, any resemblance to the living or dead is totally coincidental. 

A wise man by the name of APJ Abdul Kalam once coined a term along the lines of "love your job, but don't love your company because you may not know when your company stops loving you" still rings true. All these time spent working will not matter if one day your boss decides to downsize the company or some sort of crisis materialize and you will have to be terminated. The same theory of example could be applied to any average person's life and proved right because it is the fact. 

So stop procrastinating that phone call, pick up the phone and dial the number you've been supposed to call for months now, buy yourself some time to sip a mug of green tea ever so slowly and savor every mouthful while watching the rain, settle in your comfortable nook on a bean bag with a bag of crisps and read your favorite novel, write that book you've been wanting to write, dance under the moonlight, laugh with your family, bask in the glory of the sunlight, get into the pool with your besties, watch netflix back to back, crunch the dried leaves on your gravel under your shoes. 

All I'm trying to say is life is too short to work, pay bills, and die. Enjoy the little moments and spend time with your loved ones as often as you could instead of fretting about  life's responsibilities. These little moments are the ones you will cherish when your hair is grey, when visitors are rare, companionship becomes history, and there's no teeth left in your mouth when you take your dentures out. Instead of reliving your depressed moments inside the four walls of your cabin, you will at least have a life to look back at. So go ahead and live your life in your own terms before it gets too late but if it is already late, it is okay still for better late than never. 


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